Where We Work
We work in the front line of humanitarian emergencies where we overcome operational challenges, with focus of Jonglei, Upper Nile, Unity, Lakes, Eastern and Central Equatoria States.

In Jonglei State:
Fangak, Pigi/Canal, Duk, Akobo, Nyirol, Panyikang and Ayod Counties.
In Upper Nile State:
Longechuk, Maiwut, Nasir, Renk, Malut and Maban counties.
In Central Equatoria:
Juba and Yei counties.
In Lake State:
Awerial County.
In Unity State:
Rubkona, Guit, Koch, Mayom, and Mayendit Counties.
In Eastern Equatoria:
Magwi County.