Program Sector
Water, Sanitation And Hygiene (WASH)
Our Strategic Objectives:
- Increase access to sustainable water and sanitation services to reach the most vulnerable targeted areas and population.
- Increase awareness among target population through hygiene promotion and sanitation education.
- Empower local community institutions and WASH authorities in target areas in managements of water and sanitation facilities.
Our achievements:
Constructed new boreholes – providing 3,000 people with access to safe water
Rehabilitated Boreholes – improving access to safe water for 2,500 people
Trained community-based hand mechanics on basic repairs and maintenance of bore holes
Provided WASH NFIs to 3080 HH (about 18,480 direct beneficiaries)
Constructed gender-segregated pit latrines for communities in Upper Nile and Jonglei States
Distributed menstrual hygiene kits to women and girls
With CAFOD/TROCAIRE support, provided clean water for Sudan conflict displaced people in Renk County, Upper Nile.
Left: Girls and women received MH kits (Melut – Upper Nile State) Right: a sample bore hole in Magwi County (Eastern Equatoria State)
Left: water supply to Sudan-conflict displaced people in Renk. Right: a sample gender-disaggregated latrine – Melut (Upper Nile)

Lactating Mothers receiving WASH NFIs (Renk