Program Sector
Education And Child Protection
Our Strategic Objectives:
1) To protect children from IDPs, returnees and host community from all forms of abuse, neglect, violence and exploitation through case management, family tracing and reunification, and psychosocial support services in all project locations
2) To respond to critical educational needs of IDPs, returnees and host community children through provision of safe and quality learning environment in all project locations.
3) To mainstream cross-cutting initiatives applicable as to address the root causes and reinforce behaviour change.
Our achievements:
Child Protection: Establishing and strengthening the social workforce to address child protection and GBV issues in Upper Nile and Jonglei States
Education: 1 school constructed in Nasir County, one in progress of construction.
In progress: school feeding program (500 in Mandeng, 300 in Pulita) – one hot midday meal per school day; an assortment of children’s classroom furniture and fittings; an assortment of teaching and learning aids; supply of materials for school health and environmental activities.